Branded "under construction" message, concluding: We offer fine art reproductions & wearable art with designs inspired by the mixed-media series, Roses, by award-winning artist Tuck Contreras. / Also on offer: wearable art featuring facsimiles of 17th-century engravings & other graphic designs illustrating themes from the history of medicine.



Pointerour innovative medical communications project, Roses

PointerThe growing body of evidence connecting cancers to the modern retail economy (and what we can do about it, as buyers & sellers)

PointerTuck’s mixed-media artwork, Roses: Dedicated to the Woman with Gynecologic Cancer

PointerCommunicating By Design, sponsor of Roses

PointerThe Communicating By Design online Store, for exclusive, limited editions of Scholarly Swag, embellished with cool commonplaces (the loci communes of our ancestors), interesting observations & graphic art from the early-modern period. Featuring environmentally-conscious designs and a sustainably-produced product line.